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Why You're Missing Your Bedtime: Introducing Reason Trends

Wanted to give you a preview of a new feature we’re slowly rolling out. When you miss your bedtime, Emile asks you to log the reason you missed your goal. Until recently, Emile could only format those reasons as a cumulative list. Now, we’re introducing a totally new way to understand your bedtime behaviors: Reason Trends.

Right now your Reason Trends report consists of three components:

Month by Month: Identify the top reasons for missing your bedtime and how they affected your monthly progress.

Reason Chart: Visualize the reasons for missing your goal and how they change over time.

Enhanced Summary: A visual of your entire history on Emile in the same familiar format as your Sunday summary. Includes emoji representations of your reasons from that week.

Reason Trends are still in beta. If you’d like to see your Reason Trends report, text Emile “reason trends” and you should get your report in the next few days.